Child Sponsorship Program
You CAN Be the Difference in the Life of a Child!
This months featured children
These two students below are at the top or our priority students needing YOUR help.
If you would like to sponsor one or both of these students, please follow the link below, and you will be on your way to changing the life of a child forever! We will mail you a brochure with the child’s photo and family information. In addition, you will receive an information packet that will instruct you how to become involved in their life. You will get periodical updates and pictures from your student. Most of all, you will know that you have reached out to those that are hopeless and given hope.
Only $25 a month per student will provide them with their school books, uniform, and food and medical attention when available. It’s that simple to reach out and make a difference. Start TODAY!

Noel Emmanuel Gabriel Junior Tilus
Age: 7

Sasika Percine
Age: 4
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